I’ve been busy, even if that isn’t showing up here. I’m busy in other places for now, mostly, so I suggest checking out my faux-carrd to find out where you can find me!

The important thing to talk about here is: what can you expect from K.C. York, author?

Believe it or not, back in 2019, I wrote the next THREE stories in the Dragon’s Grail series. They are rough drafts and I’m sure when I re-read them I will be changing a lot of things. The idea is still to create an ongoing adventure series with Astra at its core, but I will likely be branching out more that I was willing to do previously regarding plot and characters. This is partially influenced by my fall into Chinese dramas and novels, which have shown me that my previous world-view about “novels” was so limited.

I am also deep into writing another M/M/F story, this time a full-on fantasy series with DRAGONS! (….yes okay I have a thing for dragons. I’m a former horsey girl, it’s valid!) Although not a lot of magic, honestly. It’s called The Queen’s Aerie and I hope to have it finished and published in a few months.

In other news:

And that’s it for now. If you’re here to read this way-long-overdue update, thank you! Your support is appreciated!

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